
2015.12.29 (TUE) Theo Parrish Japan Tour 2015-2016 @Club Mago, Nagoya


- AUDI.-

Guest DJ: Theo Parrish (Sound Signature)
DJ: Sonic Weapon & Jaguar P

Lighting: Kool Kat

Open 22:00

ADV 3500yen
Door 4000yen

Info: Club Mago
名古屋市中区新栄2-1-9 雲竜フレックスビル西館B2F
TEL 052-243-1818


Theo Parrish (Sound Signature/from Detroit)

デトロイトに拠点をおくプロデューサー、DJ、Theo Parrish(セオ・パリッシュ)。ワシントンDCに生まれ、年少期をシカゴで育つ。またその後カンザスシティー、Kansas City Art InstituteではSound Sculpture(音の彫刻)を専攻。1994年、デトロイトに移住。1997年、レ-ベルSound Signatureを立ち上げ、常に新しい発想と自由な表現で次々に作品を世に送り出す。2013年にはSound SignatureのシスターレーベルWildheart Recordingsを始動している。

“Love of the music should be the driving force of any producer,performer or DJ. Everything else stems from that core, that love. With that love, sampling can become a method of tasteful assembly, collage, as opposed to a creative crutch, plagiarism. Using this same understanding openly & respectfully, can turn DJing into spiritual participation. It can turn a few hours of selection into essential history, necessary listening through movement.”(Theo Parrish)
「音楽への愛」こそがプロデューサー、パフォーマー、DJ達の原動力であるべきだ。この想いがあれば、サンプリングという方法は、盗作でもなく、音作りへの近道でもなく、個性あるの音のコラージュになる。それと同じ理解と想いを持つことにより、DJもまたスピリチュアルな行為となり得る。数時間分の選曲が、本質を伴った歴史の物語となり、動きを伴った音楽体験となる。(セオ パリッシュ 訳:Yuko Asanuma)

In 1994, Theo Parrish received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from KCAI with a concentration in Sound Sculpture, a form of orchestration using live instruments, looped recordings, the human voice, and numerous other sound generation devices. While in Kansas City, Theo continued to impact and be impacted by dance music, helping to bring a dormant underground music scene to life.

Theo Parrish moved to Michigan in 1994, where he became heavily involved in Detroit’s underground music scene. Since his arrival, he has helped spawn a resurgence of dance classic selections among local DJ talents.

‘Love of the music should be the driving force of any producer, performer or DJ. Everything else stems from that core, that love. With that love, sampling can become a tribute; An expansion on ideas long forgotten, reconstruction, collage. Using the same understanding openly and respectfully can turn DJing into a spiritual participation. It can turn a few hours of selection into essential history; Necessary listening through movement.’ This personal philosophy gives shape and direction to the distinctive sounds that are created by Theo Parrish.

Schedule Category : AHB PRODUCTION 

12月 2015